Why G.D.I Distributors (2012) Ltd.?

10 Years of Experience!

We are what we say we are – the distributor you can rely on.

With a wide range of items in the categories of confectionery and snacks, beverages, household cleaners, personal care products, and food items; we are your one-stop-shop for many of the items on your shopping list.

Having 10 years of experience in the field of distribution has equipped G.D.I. Distributors (2012) Ltd. with in-depth knowledge of various distribution networks, the establishing of brands, and the fulfilment of customer expectations

We continue to strive to be your distributor of value.

Product Range

With a wide range of items in the categories of confectionery and snacks, beverages, household cleaners, personal care products, and food items; we are your one-stop-shop for many of the items on your shopping list.

Personalized Service

There are no frustrating automated answering systems at G.D.I Distributors (2012) Ltd.  It is our pleasure to serve every customer with efficiency and professionalism.

Islandwide Distribution

Every client is of utmost importance to us. We strive to fit into your busy schedules with our flexible delivery service.

Our Brands

Brands We Distribute